Welcome to my burrow!!
I'm no good with introductions haha xD so this is a little awk... but welcome to my little corner of the web! Here is where I sit down to really express myself, in an era of...I dunno, lack of it? Haha. I grew up at the cusp of "old internet" - just as a lot of neat html stuff was fading out of existence. I won't go too much into my own internet history, since I want to leave that for my digital history page, but that little taste I got in my pre-teens and early teen years makes me so nostalgic... I miss it a lot! So here we are.

Oh, right. Names. I go by plenty! Matcha, Punk, Tea. Username-wise, I tend to face the internet as Majestea, and that's what most of my creative works will be watermarked as. In spaces where I feel less "professional", I use Punkalope, and I don't typically link it to my main stuff. But ya know, just in case, I wanna put it out there that it's me, haha. I don't want to go into the nitty gritty of my identity, but you can maybe get a glimpse of it if you're willing to run around my site a little.
Some things I enjoy...A lot of things! I enjoy being a creative, just spouting random crap onto whatever I can to write stories. I'd love to share one one day, but right now I'm happy to just enjoy them with friends. If you happen to see my characters here, I hope you enjoy them too! Here's a little list of things I enjoy...
- Rabbits (DUH!)
- Splatoon!
- PINK!!!
- Analogue Horror
- A lot of "nostalgic-tech-themed" media in general
- Wings of Fire
- Spyro the Dragon
- Neopets
- Roleplaying & TTRPGs
- Drawing! Art! Animating! Creating!
- Rabbits Again
- ItemLabel
- Pokémon!
- Hypnospace Outlaw
...Just to name some random things!
I hope you enjoy your stay. I hope to update this website more and more over time, and hopefully make it more accessible as well. Some things may be broken or jank here and there!
If you have any questions or would like to get ahold of me, please email me at warrenwebmistress@proton.me!